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Say Hello to Our New Employees

What is the best part of company growth? For some companies, it might be more customers and the chance to expand market share. For others, it might be higher revenue and profits. At HRAnswerLink, we enjoy those types of growth — but our favorite part is welcoming new members to our team! This year has […]

The Right (And Wrong) Way to Let Employees Go

Companies spend a lot of time and money focusing on their onboarding process — and with good reason. Hiring is incredibly time- and resource-intensive, and turnover is expensive. A great onboarding process helps improve performance and retention. However, even though it frequently gets much less attention, offboarding is just as critical to workforce management and […]

The Fastest Way to Find HR Answers

The HR industry is brimming with ever-changing rules and regulations, and even the most stellar HR professional can’t keep track of every detail. Of course, there are times when a client really needs to focus on a topic and learn it inside and out (a perfect time to call an HR Pro!), but sometimes they […]

Diversity: So Much More Than Just a Buzzword

Nowadays, diversity has moved beyond meaning fairness and equal treatment and has become synonymous with success. Forward-thinking companies are finding that a diverse employee population delivers a multitude of benefits — including a boost to their bottom lines. Consider these impressive statistics from a recent report by McKinsey & Company, Diversity Matters, which examined proprietary […]

HR Support Center Preview

Better Serve Your Clients with 2 New HR Resources

In the last issue of HRAffiliateLink, we previewed the new HR Support Center — coming in early March. But that isn’t the only website improvement we’ve made this year. In addition to launching a brand-new HR Support Center interface, we have completely redone the HRAnswerLink website. Here’s a rundown of the exciting changes you’ll see in […]

Fine-Tune Your HR Service Offerings Using Dashboard Data

You’ve provided your clients with HR Support Center online HR services — but up until now, you’ve had no way of truly knowing how much they use the service, which areas of the site they’re using, and whether they are getting the greatest possible value from the service. With the new Affiliate Dashboard, you can […]

Do Your Clients Have a Pandemic Illness Plan?

Last year’s Ebola outbreak was a stark reminder that frightening and serious contagious diseases still exist. However, many people and businesses overlook the fact that more common infectious illnesses can also have a significant impact on employee health and business operations, such as the current, and especially virulent, 2014 to 2015 flu season. Pandemic illnesses […]

Offer Your Clients Focused HR Learning with New Insight Webinars

HR services are a must for every employer — but small business owners may find the idea of learning everything they need to know about HR overwhelming. Make this process easier for your clients by offering them branded, complete online HR services from HRAnswerLink. And in 2015, HRAnswerLink is giving you even more ways to […]

Improve Your Workforce — and Bottom Line — with HR Metrics

Metrics are a key performance-measurement tool for many businesses. Companies use metrics data from a variety of areas — finance, customer service, sales, and even HR — to determine whether they are meeting their objectives and to guide crucial business decisions. Why are HR metrics important, and how can your clients use them to improve […]

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