Offer Your Clients Focused HR Learning with New Insight Webinars
HR services are a must for every employer — but small business owners may find the idea of learning everything they need to know about HR overwhelming. Make this process easier for your clients by offering them branded, complete online HR services from HRAnswerLink. And in 2015, HRAnswerLink is giving you even more ways to help your clients make HR easy, compliant, and affordable. One new tool we’ve just launched this year is our Insight webinars.
What are Insight webinars?
Insight webinars are branded, live, interactive e-learnings on a range of HR topics, each hosted by an HRAnswerLink HR Pro. Each Insight webinar is 60 minutes long, including a 5-minute introduction (hosted by you or our HR Pro), a 45-minute presentation, and a concluding 10-minute question and answer session with our HR Pro. As many as 200 attendees can enroll, and many of the Insight webinars are eligible for continuing education credits. We can deliver the webinar through your preferred webinar software, or we can host the webinar for you through GoToTraining.
Insight webinars aren’t only a valuable educational resource for your clients — they’re also a great marketing aid for you, says Insight Program Manager and HR Pro Rebecca Seaman.
“Each Insight session is branded exclusively for you and available only to your clients and prospects,” explains Seaman. “Many of our partners use the sessions as a marketing tool to get prospects excited about their HR service offering in addition to their other products. If you like, you will have 5 to 10 minutes during each session to promote your services. Other partners use the program as a loyalty incentive: They provide the sessions to their best clients as a ‘thank you’ for being a great client.”
Insight webinar topics
Your clients can choose from any of 16 Insight webinar sessions in our 2015 catalog. Sessions cover many common HR topics, such as employee handbooks, diversity, employee relations, healthcare reform, and harassment prevention. You can also offer your clients custom Insight webinars that cover topics not included in the catalog, combine information from multiple sessions into one webinar, or offer individual sessions tailored specifically for them. And if your clients prefer in-person training, we can provide that, too!
“Regardless of the reason you choose to use Insight, your clients will attend a session regarding the most talked-about employment law topics, such as healthcare reform or leaves of absence,” says Seaman. “By choosing Insight, you will further set yourself apart as a premier service provider that is on top of all the HR trends your clients are concerned about.”
[cta]Deliver to your clients live e-learnings on today’s hot HR topics — with Insight webinars. Learn more by contacting HRAnswerLink on our website, by phone at (877) 882-2237, or by email.[/cta]