
Are Your Clients Classifying Their Employees Correctly?

EmployeesDo your clients have contractors, interns, or seasonal employees in their organizations? Often employers classify such employees incorrectly, making their business noncompliant with state and federal eligibility requirements. For example, an employer’s documentation might not clearly distinguish who is an employee versus who is an independent contractor.

Misclassification of employees is a common mistake that can have costly consequences for employers, who can be fined or penalized by the IRS or by the state’s Department of Labor for improperly classifying an employee.

The HR Support Center HR Academy’s upcoming webinar, “Protect Your Bottom Line With Proper Classifications of Employees (Exempt, Non Exempt, Interns, Seasonal Workers and More),” can help your client avoid such mistakes by giving them the information they need to properly classify future hires.

This webinar, scheduled for Friday, May 2, 9–10 a.m. PDT, will cover state and federal guidelines for classification and provide guidance to help you determine contractors, paid and unpaid interns, and exempt versus non-exempt employees. Our HR Pro will also discuss recent case scenarios that will show your clients the right way — and the wrong way — to classify employees.

Want to avoid costly classification errors? Learn how in this HR Academy webinar.

[cta]For more information about why HR Academy should be the go-to HR training solution for your clients, simply contact Alicia in the Client Experience department at[/cta]

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