
Help Your Clients Avoid Costly Turnover

I quit noteDo you know the most common reasons employees leave their workplace? You might be surprised to learn it’s not all about the money! Here are some of the top reasons employees leave their jobs:

  1. Manager
  2. Compensation
  3. Lack of meaningful work (boredom)
  4. Peers

Competition for top talent is growing — and if employees are dissatisfied with their work for any of these or other reasons, they’ll be much more likely to consider other opportunities.

Luckily, we can help your clients avoid costly employee turnover. On March 7, 2014, 9-10 a.m. PST, HRAnswerLink will be presenting Hiring: Achieving Goals Through Salary and Other Benefits. This webinar will teach your clients how to become an “Employer of Choice” to attract and keep top talent by building their brand and creating a desirable package of traditional and non-traditional employee benefits.

“It’s the beginning of the year and companies are thinking about what they’d like to do in 2014,” says Rebecca Seaman, PHR, HR Pro with HRAnswerlink. “Hiring and keeping good talent has become an important part of meeting budgets and goals.”

This webinar offers insight on how your clients can meet these goals by competing for, hiring, and keeping the talent they need to be successful.

Hiring is expensive
Hiring is a costly process for any company. Given the expenses, it’s essential to make any new hire a good one. “When you bring on new employees, you are making an investment,” Seaman says. “They have to be trained. They need to learn your policies and processes. They need to understand your product offerings and who their customer is. And happy employees will dive in. They will engage and stay engaged.”

When a new hire isn’t a good fit or leaves, it means additional costs for the business as they start the hiring process all over again. “Employers need to be concerned that if those new employees leave, it will have a direct negative effect on their bottom line. All of the staffing hours that they’re going to need to hire someone else, create a new job description, get the interview process under way, select a new person, and train them is going to cost more money,” Seaman explains. “Those are literally dollars that are being siphoned away from their bottom line.”

Attract and keep the team your business needs
Competition is growing among companies to secure the best workers. Candidates have more and more options for where to take their talent and resources. Hiring: Achieving Goals Through Salary and Other Benefits will teach your clients what they need to know to attract the top-tier talent they need to meet their goals and to keep that talent engaged:

  • How to encourage employee engagement using different types of motivators.
  • Why employees become disengaged and leave.
  • How to develop an environment that engages employees and makes them want to stay.
  • How to make the most of hiring investments.

Employers who are trying to do more with fewer people can no longer expect to hire and keep quality employees. “This webinar will talk about not only hiring well, but also really creating an environment where people want to be and want to stay and want to engage,” Seaman adds.

Encourage your clients to sign up today to learn the best practices that can make a direct difference in their hiring success and their bottom line!

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